Misc Useful, Fun or Interesting links

Misc. Useful, Important, Fun and Interesting Links

Important stuff

Electronic Frontier Foundation: These fine people have been defending freedom of speech, and first ammendment rights on the internet since 1990! Check out their web page for more info!

The hungersite. It's real. Affiliated with the United Nations World Food Program. This is my homepage on my browser so once a day I click, and food gets donated - you can also click for Rainforest, Children's Aids, Mammogram's, Landmines and to give vitamins to children if you have the patience to click and back a lot! Easy way to do something small but important. Although I hate advertising, I'm willing to read it in this case.

Useful or interesting stuff

Good Vibrations: Adults only! This is a really great woman owned and operated business in the San Fransisco area. They have a very healthy, fun attitude about sex and are one place you can find information, books and toys and (even though you won't like everything they carry) probably not be too embarassed.

E The People - In their words "a nonpartisan site working with over 400 online newspapers, television stations and Internet portals to bring government closer to the people." A web site that is trying to make online petitions a valid option.

Failure is impossible My friend Maia Cowan's political links page. Lots of interesting stuff! (admittedly liberal - but then, so am I)

Whale Net - A really interesting page about Whales and other marine life. The thing I love about this page is that you can see actual video clip footage of Blue Whales! You can also follow their movements. NEW!

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